Just sharing the crazy...

Sunday 30 December 2012

Something new to try?

Bear (is that really the right one?) with me while I sus this out folks, also you might like to note both my laptop (aka Lappy, remember this for later) and my phone, have gotten together behind my back and devised a cunning plan to make me look like an idiot. My phone (stupid win7, NEVER AGAIN) auto-corrects at random intervals and as we already know about auto-correct, we know it. is. never. correct. Now Lappy, Lappy has a funky keyboard whose letters 'N' 'S' and 'W' are intermittent at best, now I do try and proof read but I am only human and miss a shite load of mistakes (hence looking like an idiot).

Now, I would love to keep you following me, but a quick heads up, I really truly am as batshit crazy as they come. Oh! I also swear like a sailor so if you do't (<< a prime example of above note) like it then FECK OFF :D :D :D

Right, a bit about me, I'm 25, have 2 mini demons ages 4 & 1/2 (aka D) and 2 &1/2 (aka A) and a hubby who knows exactly how to be a right pain in my ass. I am a SAHM to the mini demons mentioned above so free time is few and far between BUT! I have a phone that lets me abuse it however and whenever I feel the need... (I guess it's fair seeing as it makes me out to be an idiot)

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Everyone needs to cuss like a sailor every now and again ;)
