Just sharing the crazy...

Sunday 30 December 2012

Aka, you may need to know this....

So I just realised you’ll need a quick run down so you know who/what I’m talking about (well, DUH) (< I’m a bit slow on the uptake at times lol) SO! Here goes ;)
We have the mini demons, Mr 4 &1/2 is ‘D’ and Miss 2 & 1/2 is ‘A’
then there is ‘Hubby’ 3 guesses as to who that is :o
then we have Moose or ‘mutt’ he is our 6mth old puppy. Not that you could tell he is that age, he’s HUGE!
Our neighbour ‘Next Door’
My laptop (mentioned previously but I don’t want him thinking I don’t love him any more) ‘Lappy’
The 2nd closest friend I have ‘Bubbles’ OR ‘Miss Bubbles’ and last but not least the person who was always there for me while I grew up in a crappy family, ‘baby girl’ or if she’s lucky ‘sis’
Now, I love all these people (with maybe the exclusion of hubby on occasion) so I’m allowed to take the piss but if anyone else says anything nasty about them I’ll……… CAPS LOCK YOU! Dun dun dun!!!  :D

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