Just sharing the crazy...

Sunday 30 December 2012


Schweet, not only did I conquer this app, I found myself needing to d/l picasa app *side note: while Hubby is playing COD online Lappy is out of action, the router is another piece of technology that hates me*

I conquered the picasa app too! as you can tell by this stunning picture I drew of Mordecai uploaded personally from my phone :D

Testing, testing,

See I'm technology impaired, don't laugh, it's a real thing.

The autocorrect and button thing, just the tip of the iceberg, seriously.

I have always loved Nokia phones for this reason, fucking idiot (emphasis on the idiot) proof! So when the Lumia 800 was announced I HAD to have it, it was an obsession.


I have had nothing but issues with it, the FIRST one I got (will explain later) marketplace just simply would not work after the first 2 days, so after a week of frustration I reset my phone.

I got it back!

..but only for that day. I would wait a few weeks between resets, but it was just so much effort to set it back up I couldn't be fucked after the third or fouth reset.

On top of this, Zune (iTunes equivalent) likes to crash Lappy at random intervals so I hate to plug in [either of] my phone. I didn't realise for 6 weeks that the usb cable had randomly up and quit working on me.

These usb cables are also the phone charger that comes with the phone, it plugs into a usb power point thingee-ma-bob. This phone, assuming I had the original, is still less than a year old! Geez Nokia, what the fuck happened????

Now I'm digressing from the point I was wanting to make, I'm on my phone, using an app that cost me a whole $2....

I tried earlier with a different post but it kept coming up with an error message telling me it couldn't upload OR save at this time (depending on which I was frantically trying to make work). I wrote a lot and I lost it all! Grrrrr stupid phone.

So I'm trying again,

...is it going to work?

Aka, you may need to know this....

So I just realised you’ll need a quick run down so you know who/what I’m talking about (well, DUH) (< I’m a bit slow on the uptake at times lol) SO! Here goes ;)
We have the mini demons, Mr 4 &1/2 is ‘D’ and Miss 2 & 1/2 is ‘A’
then there is ‘Hubby’ 3 guesses as to who that is :o
then we have Moose or ‘mutt’ he is our 6mth old puppy. Not that you could tell he is that age, he’s HUGE!
Our neighbour ‘Next Door’
My laptop (mentioned previously but I don’t want him thinking I don’t love him any more) ‘Lappy’
The 2nd closest friend I have ‘Bubbles’ OR ‘Miss Bubbles’ and last but not least the person who was always there for me while I grew up in a crappy family, ‘baby girl’ or if she’s lucky ‘sis’
Now, I love all these people (with maybe the exclusion of hubby on occasion) so I’m allowed to take the piss but if anyone else says anything nasty about them I’ll……… CAPS LOCK YOU! Dun dun dun!!!  :D

Something new to try?

Bear (is that really the right one?) with me while I sus this out folks, also you might like to note both my laptop (aka Lappy, remember this for later) and my phone, have gotten together behind my back and devised a cunning plan to make me look like an idiot. My phone (stupid win7, NEVER AGAIN) auto-corrects at random intervals and as we already know about auto-correct, we know it. is. never. correct. Now Lappy, Lappy has a funky keyboard whose letters 'N' 'S' and 'W' are intermittent at best, now I do try and proof read but I am only human and miss a shite load of mistakes (hence looking like an idiot).

Now, I would love to keep you following me, but a quick heads up, I really truly am as batshit crazy as they come. Oh! I also swear like a sailor so if you do't (<< a prime example of above note) like it then FECK OFF :D :D :D

Right, a bit about me, I'm 25, have 2 mini demons ages 4 & 1/2 (aka D) and 2 &1/2 (aka A) and a hubby who knows exactly how to be a right pain in my ass. I am a SAHM to the mini demons mentioned above so free time is few and far between BUT! I have a phone that lets me abuse it however and whenever I feel the need... (I guess it's fair seeing as it makes me out to be an idiot)