Just sharing the crazy...

Wednesday 30 January 2013

It has been awhile....

Wow didn't realise how long it had been, shit keeps hitting the fan and it's such a time consuming job to clean up the mess....

And that made me think, considering it's only January we have been through a lot and I'm more certain than ever that the universe hates me, how do you think of life? Let me elaborate,

I am a firm believer in fate, yes you could argue life is full of choice but the type of people we are dictate which option we choose so it's not really a surprise that you choose that path (iykwim??) and of course every choice you make changes the parameters of the next decision you make or what the consequences of your choice are, cause and effect. So I'm a firm believer in fate, we are programmed to willingly choose the path that has been pre-ordained for us

So I'll ask again, what are your veiws on life???

1 comment:

  1. Ah! This is a tough-ey. I'm gonna have to go with a happy combination of both...I'm a big believer in fate/the Big Man Upstairs, but also think free will plays a huge role in who people are as well. We can be thrown into any type of situation (fate), but, depending on that particular situation, may also have the free will to stay in that situation, or do something about it.
    LOL! I don't even know if that makes sense! Too deep of thinking for me on a Tuesday ;)
