Just sharing the crazy...

Wednesday 13 February 2013

So it turns out..

I'm starting my business degree, well I've started my business degree. First up, a summer school paper, doing Business Communications. It has very little to do with business, in fact most of it I learnt during a stint of CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) after D was born. But anyway we learn about how people communicate, the nuances of non verbal communication yada yada yada and yesterday we broached the topic of behaviour styles, and what conflict management suits what behaviour style (you get the drift right?)

WELL! there are 4 behaviour styles, Aggressive, Submissive (or passive), Manipulative  (submissive and aggressive rolled into one) and Assertive. Well 3 out of 4 are pretty self explanatory (a,a,s) but the one that caught my attention AND had a good 15 minutes explanation of it was the manipulative, now I'm going to assume you think (as I did) that it means they are manipulative, and for SOME you'd be right but for the majority they aren't manipulative, in fact they try to be as honest and up front as possible. But then there's the full explanation, it is caused by some negative happenings in the childhood (no one that is hasn't had negative happenings iykwim???)  the person would usually be submissive, choosing not to speak up if something makes them uncomfortable or upset or feel anything but happy, these people have poor self esteem that isn't helped through the usual channels (do something good = feel good about yourself) in general they're usually mistaken for depressed people with their general lack of happiness but on the flip side they have this aggressive side that comes out under pressure, explosive temper, uncontrollable moods prone to being more easily upset and difficulty controlling the emotions that they feel when dealing with others the list goes on! Not only are these types of people very rare, these people are also more often than not bipolar, and during an up cycle don't show ANY of these traits instead tending to be more of an assertive behaviour style (which is good, can be argued it's the "best" type to be) Well I was sitting there thinking, tick, tick, tick, tick, the longer my tutor spoke the more uncomfortable I was getting, she kept looking at me so I started to feel like she was plucking all of this out of my head!

Now behaviour styles are a funny thing, they're like temperament, part of who you are, the general makeup of what shapes you, of how you make decisions, react to certain situations. But there is some good news in all of this, you CAN change who you are at a basic level, if you were one of the others, why would you? In my extensive experience with various counsellors and psychiatrists I learnt with a lot of hard work and even more perseverance you can overcome any and all short comings in your head.

So it turns out we have an aggressive and manipulative behaviour types living under the same roof.. Life makes just that little bit more sense now.

Sleepless in... Well Taupo

Thought I was going to say Seattle didn't ya? ;) It is currently 12:45 am (valentines day even) and sleep eludes me, SO, I thought I'd come on here and let out some of the crazy hehe

Hubby gets frustrated with me when I can't sleep "apparently" it disturbs him but really honestly truly I can't help it, I have 2 very full on kids tomorrow with no kindy, does he really think I don't WANT to sleep???? Cause I do. SOOOOOOOOOOOO much! I hate being groggy and tired and having to have 6 cups of coffee just to open my eyes. And to top it off, I have a very important interview tomorrow for an assignment that is worth a whopping 27% of my final mark! Part of me is tempted to just make up the answers and see how much I get out of a "winging it" attempt but then I get paranoid I'll get busted o.O

ANYway, back to not being able to sleep, being up at this hour is very common for me cause I'm one of those thinker/worrier type people so if I have something important on the next day, or there is a problem between Hubby or money is a bit tight or whatever could possibly be wrong, I'll lay awake thinking and analysing and trying to come up with a solution for literally HOURS... I went to bed at just after 10, finally gave up trying to sleep at half 12.... I keep trying to think of a way to fix this thinking problem of mine, mildly ironic isn't it ;)

Now, I made google my friend the other day and looked up 'signs and symptoms of stress' (there's been a fair amount of that going on here of late) and not only is procrastination a leading sign (which just happens to be my biggest yet least favourite pastime) but apparently irritable bowel syndrome is also a common symptom of too much stress... Guess who has needed to go to the toilet 5 times today? >.< You can have 3 goes but I bet you'll get it in one ;)
Well that made me think, if you are too stressed out and it's affecting your body and mind why on earth would it do things that only have one result, more stress???? Completely beyond me as to why to be perfectly honest, I don't even have a theory, and I have a theory for EVERYTHING.

I think the lack of sleep is getting to me, I completely forgot where I was going with that tangent.... So this is me leaving you all to your fun filled (and hopefully less stressful) lives xx mwah!